There are still many poorly designed elbow systems in the market today. Images 1, 2, 3 and 4 are classic examples where riveting and screws are still commonly being used to fabricate elbows. Not only does this waste time and labour, the integrity of the insulation is tarnished.

The benefits of the ClickClad interlocking cladding system are unparalleled. Our innovative pipe protection system can be assembled hassle-free. In the event of an emergency, our flexible belt bond system can be disassembled and re-fitted in no time- saving your time and money.

- No riveting
- No screws
- Soft profile
- Interlocking system
- 90 degree elbows available
- 45 degree elbows available
- 3 finishes: aluminium, stainless steel, colour bond
- 14 standard pipe sizes